Birth Trauma | Page 5 of 10 | Scott Goodwin Law

A newborn baby sleeping.

Good doctors can be hard to find. But for those with physical disabilities, it can be even more challenging to find one who can provide the care they need. This can be particularly true for expectant mothers who have physical disabilities. In many cases, women with physical disabilities are capable of having healthy pregnancies. Having

High angle view of a mother holding a baby.

It takes a team to deliver a baby. In addition to the doctor, there are typically delivery nurses involved in the process to tend to the mother and monitor the baby. If an epidural is used, there will be an anesthesiologist. Or in the case of high-risk pregnancies, a maternal-fetal doctor may be present. In

Newborn baby laying on its back in a hospital bed.

For babies still in the womb, the umbilical cord is literally a lifeline, providing oxygen and nutrients that the child needs to grow. If there are any complications with the umbilical cord, it can potentially result in those vital nutrients being restricted. Umbilical cord complications can take many different forms, including nuchal cords, umbilical cord

A mother holding twin babies on her lap.

Finding out that you’re expecting the arrival of twins can be extremely exciting. But as exciting as this can be, twin pregnancies can also come with an increased risk of complications when compared to pregnancies involving one baby, such as a higher risk of postpartum hemorrhage, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, premature birth, and stillbirth. According to

A doctor places her hands on a pregnant woman's stomach.

During pregnancy, it’s extremely common for women to experience a wide range of side effects. With all the changes the body goes through, it can be hard to tell which problems are just strange side effects and which are serious causes for concern. For example, some women develop rashes or redness of the skin. But

A pregnant woman holds her stomach while having a conversation with a doctor.

It’s absolutely crucial that a patient fully trusts their doctor. This is true whether a patient is seeing their doctor for a routine checkup or something much more complex and sensitive, like delivering a baby. Every pregnancy is different and it’s only natural to have questions and concerns as your pregnancy progresses. Even if you’ve

Pregnant woman looking out of a window.

Thanks to movies and television, you don’t need to be a parent to know that pushing is part of the process of giving birth. But what a lot of people don’t learn from movies and television is that there’s more than one type of pushing: coached pushing and spontaneous pushing. Spontaneous pushing is a type

Pregnant woman in hospital bed.

When complications occur with the placenta, the baby is typically the one who faces the most serious risks because of the possibility that it could interfere with oxygen delivery. But in some situations, a problem with the placenta can cause serious problems for the mother instead. During the typical process of giving birth, the placenta

Pregnant woman holding her stomach while standing next to a window.

One thing many people might not realize happens during pregnancy is that the placenta tends to shift around. In the earlier stages of pregnancy, it’s very common for the placenta to be low, near or on the cervix. When the placenta is on or near the cervix, it’s known as placenta previa. When it occurs

Pregnant woman wearing a hospital gown holding her stomach.

Before birth, the placenta plays a crucial role in delivering oxygen and nutrients to the baby as it grows. In many cases, the pregnancy progresses without any issues involving the placenta. But in rare instances, there may be problems with the placenta that pose very serious risks for both the mother and child. Placental Abruption