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The Tragic Tale of a Triple Amputee as a Result of a Shih Tzu

On Behalf of | Jul 24, 2013 | Dog Bites

On May 22nd, Caron, a Canadian and single mother of four, was playing tug-of-war with her Shih Tzu, Buster. During the game, Buster accidently bit Caron. One of Caron’s other Shih Tzus began to lick the wound. Not thinking anything of it, she went on with her day.

However, a few days following the event, Caron went to hospital feeling sick. She was put into a doctor-induced coma that lasted a month and a half. Her body had a severe reaction to the bacteria in the dog bite.

The bacteria that caused the reaction is known as Capnocytophaga canimorsus, and it is a common bacteria found in all dogs’ saliva.

Caron woke up, but during the coma doctors were forced to amputate her left arm and both of her legs as a result of the sepsis. According to Health Canada, this condition is extremely rare and only 200 cases have been reported in the last 25 years.

Caron does not have private insurance, and one of her daughters has already raised almost $45,000 online in an effort to pay her medical bills.

It’s a tragic tale of someone’s life that was severely affected by a single dog bite.

Our firm wants to remind you that dog bites are dangerous. If a bites you, even if it’s just a knick, then seek medical attention immediately. Dogs’ mouths carry tons of bacteria and a wound needs to be cleansed as soon as possible.

While Caron’s reaction was severe, it is a grim reminder that dog bites are not something to ignore.

Did you know that dogs bite over 1 million Americans every year?

If you or your family has been injured as a result of a dog bite, then contact our firm. We’ve specialized in personal injury law for over 25 years, and have fought to get you the compensation you deserve.

If you have been injured in any type of accident, contact us immediately by phone or email. You pay nothing until we take your case to trial or settle. With over 30 years of litigation experience representing the “little guy” against the largest insurance companies, corporations, and hospitals, we’ll get you the money you deserve.

Visit our website to find out more information on the services we provide and why we have been named Michigan Super Lawyers for the last six years and Dbusiness’s Top Lawyers for the last three. Whatever your accident or injury, we are ready to Win Your Case!

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