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Grosse Pointe Dog Bite Law

On Behalf of | Aug 13, 2014 | Dog Bites

Michigan has a dog bite law that makes an owner strictly liable for the injuries that their dog causes. This law is applicable in all cities, counties, and townships around the state. However, did you know that there are also local ordinances to comply with? Grosse Pointe, for example, has their own dangerous dog statute. If a dog bites a person, the city has the right to then monitor the dog, and based on their observations can even put the dog down due to the dog’s dangerous propensities to bite again. This type of law protects citizens from other future attacks.

Take a look at the Grosse Pointe dog bite law:

Sec. 10-33. Destruction of vicious dog.

Whenever a dog is brought to the pound for having bitten a person, the public safety department may, if deemed necessary and advisable, and after holding such dog a sufficient length of time to meet the requirements of the health department for investigation, cause the dog to be destroyed as a vicious dog. Unless waived in writing, notice of intent to so destroy the dog shall be given to the owner if known, and the owner shall have 48 hours in which to seek a review by the municipal court of the city of the order of the public safety department for the destruction of the dog.

Goodwin & Scieszka is your Michigan dog bite law firm. If you’ve been injured by a dog bite you may be entitled to a settlement or financial compensation. After a dog or animal bite it’s very important to contact a Michigan attorney as soon as possible. Don’t risk waiting. Witnesses, victims, medical care providers, and police may not have a clear memory of your dog bite accident and circumstances weeks or months after. Get the justice you deserve.

Our Michigan lawyers have already handled many Michigan dog bite cases, and we’re ready to help you win a fair and just settlement. Call us anytime, 24 hours a day, and we will be happy to serve you. Remember, our attorneys fight for you. 

The personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Goodwin & Scieszka handle all types of injury cases, like slip and fall accident claims. Contact us to see how we can help you receive fair compensation for any injuries you may have received.