Product Defects in Power Tools | Scott Goodwin Law

Product Defects in Power Tools

by / Wednesday, 09 August 2023 / Published in Defective Products
Table saw in use.

In some cases, there are types of products that, even when manufactured exactly as they should be, are inherently going to involve some safety risks if not used correctly. Knives are a good example of this since they need to have sharp blades in order to be functional. Power tools also fall into this category because they need to have things like sharp blades and motorized parts to give them the power they need. However, just because a product comes with certain dangers, that doesn’t necessarily mean all injuries they cause are because of user error. 

When power tools have manufacturing or design errors that make them more dangerous than they ought to be, it can be very easy for people to get seriously hurt – whether it’s a professional construction worker on a jobsite or someone working on a project around the house. Power tools encompass a very large range of common products and it’s very likely you own at least one thing that is considered a power tool. Things like lawnmowers, circular saws, chainsaws, nail guns, drills, sanders, lawn trimmers, and leaf blowers are just a few types of power tools you may be familiar with. Defective power tools can cause many different types of of injuries, including cuts, burns, eye injuries, broken bones, puncture wounds, electrical shocks, and lost limbs.

Common Defects in Power Tools

It’s important to note that product defects aren’t necessarily limited to issues with manufacturing or design. Products can also be considered defective if they don’t include adequate warnings about safety issues or include instructions on how to use the product safely. Given the inherent risks involved with power tools, it’s absolutely critical that these products come with all the necessary safety warnings. Unfortunately, inadequate safety warnings are a common type of defect in power tools. 

As far as manufacturing and design defects go, it’s common to see power tools with inadequate safety guards, loose blades, malfunctioning safety switches, faulty power cords, motors prone to overheating, loose fittings on pneumatic tools, and inadequate fluid in hydraulic tools. Problems with components can also cause problems like nail guns that misfire. If a tool is powered by a battery, there can also be issues with the battery that lead to fires or explosions. 

Contact a Michigan Defective Product Lawyer

If you’ve been injured by a defective product of any kind, don’t hesitate to contact a defective product lawyer for help. Product liability cases can be very complex, so it’s best to have someone on your side who understands the law and can work to protect your rights. Product manufacturers often have legal teams working on their behalf and there are laws designed to shield companies from legal liability. You need someone who can help you get the justice you deserve. 

At Scott Goodwin Law, we’re experienced in helping people who have been harmed by dangerous, defective products in the state of Michigan. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to find out how we can help you.

Image: Unsplash / George Pastushok