Michigan Law Facts & Cases | Scott Goodwin Law

Electric bike on a sidewalk.

get around, or just for fun. But for many people, riding an e-bike instead of a traditional bike can be an even better option. For example, e-bikes are often easier to use for those who have physical limitations that make traditional bikes difficult to use. E-bikes can also make it possible to get around faster

Statue of the scales of justice.

Negligence is an important part of any personal injury case, whether it’s a car accident, medical malpractice, a dog bite, or a slip and fall. However, there are different types of negligence that could be involved in a case, like comparative negligence.  Comparative negligence is a concept where fault for an accident is divided between

Parked school bus.

Fall has arrived and the new school year is fully underway. Even though we’re a bit past back-to-school season and school buses have been back on the roads for a little while now, it’s always a good time to think about school bus safety. Throughout the entire school year, it’s very common to see drivers

A row of orange construction barrels on a road.

One of the most reliable things about living in the state of Michigan is that, between the spring and fall seasons, you can count on there being lots of active road construction projects throughout the state. Having to deal with construction projects is never convenient, but the repairs are necessary. It’s also necessary for drivers

A man using his cell phone while driving a car.

Traffic fatalities are a major problem in Michigan. Even when people were driving less because of the pandemic, the number of fatal traffic accidents in the state was alarmingly high – and it’s remained high ever since. Bridge Michigan reports that the number of fatal accidents in the Metro Detroit area in 2022 was 25%

A driver's hand on a car's steering wheel.

Driving can very often be a stressful and difficult situation. People might have to deal with slow traffic and get anxious about running late. People might be upset about something else going on in their lives. A distracted driver might not stop like they’re supposed to. And even if you’re not the one driving aggressively

Statue of lady liberty with scales of justice.

If you’re in a situation where you need to think about filing a personal injury lawsuit, one concept that’s going to be very important to your case is called a statute of limitations. This is true whether you were injured in a car accident, a slip and fall, in a case of medical malpractice, or

A mother buckles her baby into a car seat.

For the first several years of a child’s life, they’re going to spend a lot of time in car seats and booster seats. Finding the right seats for their child is a challenge many parents need to deal with, to say nothing of making sure that seat is installed properly in their vehicles. While car

Teal bike leaning against a brick wall.

As the weather warms up in the springtime and early summer, you can always expect to see an increase in the number of bicyclists you see on the road. But over the past couple of years, biking has become an increasingly popular activity. In 2020, bikes were suddenly in high demand as people were looking

A person shoveling snow.

Snow. It’s an inevitable part of Michigan winters. Some years, we might get more snow than others. But even during milder winters, we still get some snow. And when And along with snow comes another chore: clearing it from your driveway and sidewalks. Clearing the snow from your sidewalks and driveway not only helps make