Michigan Personal Injury Law Blog | Scott Goodwin Law

GPS screen attached to windshield of car

For many drivers, GPS is a routine part of their driving habits, whether they’re just out running errands or taking a road trip. Very rarely do drivers reference paper maps when they need to figure out how to reach a destination. Instead, services like Google Maps, MapQuest, and Waze can instantly suggest a few different

Employees in an office passing paper while wearing gloves and masks

Employers have a responsibility to provide a reasonably safe environment for their employees to work in and that is something that will remain true as we continue to move past the coronavirus pandemic. Many types of Michigan businesses have already been able to reopen and others are preparing to reopen in the near future. At

Woman in car with mask on while applying hand sanitizer

In one way or another, everyone has been feeling the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. A lot of people have been working from home rather than from the office, while others have been coping with unemployment. Some have been helping their kids get an education at home or have been simply looking for new ways

Person holding coffee drink and phone in driver's seat

Car crashes can happen for a wide range of reasons, but the sad reality is that many of those crashes were completely preventable. Crashes caused by distracted driving are just one type of extremely preventable car crash. When we talk about distracted driving, it’s important to remember that it can be much more than using

Small dog barking at person and showing teeth

As the coronavirus pandemic grew, people were eager to learn more about what they could do to protect themselves and their loved ones. We all heard about how important it was to wash our hands, wear masks, and maintain good social distance when we do have to leave the house. But one effect of the

Teenage girl driving car.

Learning how to drive can be a very exciting time for young people, but it can also be a very stressful experience. Trying to learn a new skill can be tough, but driving is a skill that’s a major responsibility. And for new drivers who fully understand the level of responsibility that driving involves can

Small white and brown dog aggressively barking

All dogs can bite. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small dog, a big dog, or what breed a dog is. Even if a dog is typically very friendly, there are situations when even the most easy-going dog might lash out, attack someone, and cause serious injuries.   Dogs can bite for many different reasons,

Personal Injury Law book next to stethoscope, gavel, and pen

Even under normal circumstances, people very commonly have a lot of questions about lawsuits. They aren’t something people deal with every day and it’s very easy to feel intimidated by all the legalities that apply to your particular situation. But when the coronavirus pandemic came to the United States and places were ordered to shut

Pregnant woman holding her belly

Even though hospital births are by far the most common place for expectant mothers to give birth, they’re not the only option. Every year, about 1.6% of all births in the United States are home births and about 0.5% occur in freestanding birthing centers. Women who choose to give birth outside of a hospital have


The coronavirus pandemic is a very unusual time in history and it’s only natural to have questions about what’s currently going on in the world or what could potentially happen because of all of this later on. Every aspect of society has been affected by the coronavirus and that includes legal matters. The coronavirus hasn’t