Birth Trauma | Page 9 of 9 | Scott Goodwin Law

Newborn baby with dark hair sleeping

Cesarean section deliveries are very common in the United States. According to the CDC, nearly 32% of all deliveries in 2016 were made via Cesarean and they can occur for a very wide range of reasons. Some mothers choose to give birth with a C-section, but in many cases, they’re the result of problems like

MRI image of brain identifying injury

A lack of oxygen during delivery is always cause for concern. If appropriate actions aren’t taken quickly enough to restore oxygen, the results can potentially be devastating. A very mild case of birth asphyxia might not cause any permanent injury, but more severe cases can lead to seizure disorders, cerebral palsy, and other types of

Cerebral Palsy Symptoms in Babies

Wednesday, 20 February 2019 by
Medical tools on top of a paper stating Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

Out of all the different types of birth injuries out there, cerebral palsy is one of the most common. It’s estimated that about 764,000 children and adults in the United States have cerebral palsy. It occurs in about three out of every thousand live births. Cerebral palsy isn’t always easy to diagnose right away. In

Adult holding infant baby's hand with hospital band

When you’re eager to meet your new child, even a normal delivery can feel like an eternity. Being born takes time, but there is a point when labor becomes unusually long and the longer labor takes, the more likely it becomes for something to go wrong. Prolonged labor, also referred to as “dystocia” or “failure

X-ray of shoulder showing collarbone injury

Even though great progress has been made in making childbirth a safer process for both the mother and child, birth injuries do still occur. Birth injuries take many different forms, but broken bones are one of the most common kinds. According to Nationwide Children’s Hospital, clavicle fractures in particular are the most common kind of

Adult holding infant baby's hand with hospital band

When a baby comes into the world, one of the first things a new parent wants to do is hold their child’s little hand. But if a child has sustained an injury known as Erb’s palsy during birth, you might notice something unusual about the baby’s hand, arm, or shoulder. What is Erb’s Palsy? Erb’s

Mother holding baby in towel after birth

The umbilical cord is responsible for making sure an unborn child receives the oxygen and nutrients it needs to grow and develop. But if there are complications that impact the umbilical cord, the child can potentially lose the supply of oxygen they desperately need. Here are a few common types of umbilical cord problems that can potentially

Baby receiving phototherapy for jaundice

Newborns very often have at least one type of medical condition shortly after birth, such as jaundice. Jaundice is one of the most common types of health conditions that occurs in newborns, affecting about 60% of all newborns, according to the March of Dimes. What is Newborn Jaundice? Jaundice occurs when an infant has a

Baby in white outfit sleeping peacefully

Once a mother goes into labor, it’s very important that her birthing team helps make sure her labor keeps progressing as it should. Even with a healthy, low-risk pregnancy, the process of giving birth can be extremely difficult and traumatic for both the mother and the child and if labor becomes complicated or prolonged, the