Personal Injury Facts and Stories | Scott Goodwin Law

Book with Personal Injury Law printed on cover next to a gavel.

If you’ve been injured in any kind of accident, whether it’s a car accident, a slip and fall, or a workplace accident, there’s one word that’s going to come up a lot: negligence. So what exactly is negligence? Negligence refers to a failure to exercise a reasonable amount of care toward others. For example, in

What is an Attractive Nuisance?

Monday, 28 September 2020 by
Swimming pool in a backyard.

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, home entertainment became a big priority for a lot of people. Even as lockdowns eased and people had the ability to get out of the house more often, lots of people still felt safer at home and wanted to bring the fun to them, especially if they had

Blind person walking with cane.

In personal injury law, one concept that frequently comes up is the idea of hazards being “open and obvious.” If someone is injured on property owned/maintained by someone else, the person responsible for maintaining the property might try to argue that they shouldn’t be legally liable for the injury because the hazard was so obvious

Pier on a beach at sunrise

If you enjoy spending time around water, Michigan is one of the best places in the country to be. Not only do we have access to the Great Lakes, there are many other lakes throughout the lake to enjoy. Whether you like to go out on your boat, spend a day fishing, or just want

Overhead shot of woman paddling a kayak

As we work through the coronavirus pandemic, lots of people have started to adopt new hobbies as a way to have fun while staying socially distant. Since many types of outdoor activities are considered low-risk for being exposed to COVID-19, one activity that has recently grown in popularity is kayaking. Not only is it a

Swimming pool

When it comes to swimming pools, water isn’t the only hazard you need to worry about. Even under the best circumstances, pools can be very dangerous, but many pools have other hazards that increase the chances of injury even further. Some of the most common pool hazards include: Poor Lighting Good lighting is essential for

Personal Injury Law book next to stethoscope, gavel, and pen

Even under normal circumstances, people very commonly have a lot of questions about lawsuits. They aren’t something people deal with every day and it’s very easy to feel intimidated by all the legalities that apply to your particular situation. But when the coronavirus pandemic came to the United States and places were ordered to shut


The coronavirus pandemic is a very unusual time in history and it’s only natural to have questions about what’s currently going on in the world or what could potentially happen because of all of this later on. Every aspect of society has been affected by the coronavirus and that includes legal matters. The coronavirus hasn’t

Personal Injury Law book next to stethoscope, gavel, and pen

Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen the coronavirus pandemic impact all aspects of society — including ways you might not have expected. But what if you already had a personal injury case that began before mandated shut-downs went into effect? Or what happens if you’ve been injured during the lockdown period? Here are some

Gavel and block in front of stock of books

When people are injured and start considering filing a lawsuit, one common thing they want to know is how much their case is worth. The amount of damages you can recover in a personal injury lawsuit depends on many different factors, so that’s a question that doesn’t come with a simple, clear-cut answer. If you