Michigan Personal Injury Law Blog | Scott Goodwin Law

Common Causes of Birth Injuries

Monday, 03 November 2014 by
Pregnant woman holding back in pain

The birth of a child is supposed to be a joyous occasion, but unfortunately, there are so many things that can go wrong and turn that happy event into a very upsetting one. 6-8 out of every 1,000 infants in the United States are born with a birth injury. The sad reality is that most

Social Security card amongst dollar bills

When people hear the words “Social Security,” they probably immediately think of retirement. But Social Security provides important assistance for more than just retirees. As of 2012, 56 million American citizens received Social Security benefits, 19% of whom were receiving disability benefits and 4% were the young survivors of deceased workers. If you don’t already

Man riding motorcycle on highway with mountains behind him

If you’re a motorcycle owner, you know how great it can be to hop on your bike and go for a ride. You’re probably also no stranger to people thinking you’re doing the most dangerous thing in the world by riding a motorcycle. While riding a motorcycle can be fun, the statistics show that it

Woman and dog looking at each other and sitting on rocks

If you’re afraid of dogs, you’re not alone. Phobias of dogs, also known as cynophobia, are one of the most common types of phobias. In many cases, it’s completely understandable how a person would end up being afraid of dogs. Dog phobias are frequently caused in one of three ways: being bitten or attacked by

Rainy windshield behind vehicles on highway

30,000 people die on the highway every year in the United States and 1 out of 7 of those deaths involve an accident with a large commercial truck. You might think that an accident involving a large truck would be a lot like a regular car accident, but they’re actually quite different. If you have

Work Injury Claim Form with stethoscope and pen

In the state of Michigan, workers compensation provides people injured on the job with benefits for three key things: health care, vocational rehabilitation, and wage loss. Health Care When you’re hurt on the job, first and foremost, you need to get medical attention right away. Your employer or their insurance company is responsible for covering

All About Michigan No-Fault

Friday, 17 October 2014 by
Man on phone looking at piece of paper with car hood propped open

In the state of Michigan, all drivers are required to carry no-fault car insurance. Michigan isn’t the only state with a no-fault law, but Michigan’s no-fault law is unique.  In fact, Michigan has often been called the only truly no-fault state in the country. All Michigan drivers are required to carry auto insurance that covers

Gavel with stethoscope wrapped around, representing medical malpractice law.

Michigan legislators have introduced bills that would permanently revoke the medical licenses of doctors found to be intentionally breaking the law. The legislation was introduced in response to the case of cancer specialist Farid Fata. Last month, Fata pleaded guilty to 13 counts of healthcare fraud. Fata would knowingly misdiagnose patients and order medically unnecessary

Black and brown dog with mouth open aggressively

An unidentified Detroit man remains in severely critical condition after being viciously attacked by a pack of twelve pitbulls. A neighbor called police to the 4500 block of Pennsylvania on the night of Oct. 2 to report the dog attack. Police were forced to shoot at the dogs to stop the attack. One dog was

Chalk outline of pedestrian on road

5-year-old Anna Schwalb of Superior Township has died after being hit by a car on September 26th. Schwalb had been in Ann Arbor with her family for a Rosh Hashanah celebration that night. The family was trying to cross the Geddes Avenue near Onondaga Street at about 7:45 PM. There is no traffic light or