Personal Injury Facts and Stories | Scott Goodwin Law

Statue of lady justice holding scales.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, it’s important to understand the damages you can recover. The main type of damages is compensatory damages, which includes things like medical bills, lost income, and some non-financial losses like pain and suffering. But in some extreme situations, you might be eligible for punitive damages.  Punitive damages are

A man in pain after falling on some ice.

Accidents involving cars aren’t the only way people can potentially get injured in a parking lot or  parking garage. These areas are often full of other types of hazards that people might not even initially think of.  For example, there are often lots of slip and trip hazards to watch out for in parking lots.

Statue of the scales of justice.

For certain types of personal injury cases, one concept that might come up is called an “assumption of risk.” Assumption of risk is a defense that parties accused of negligence might use to argue that they cannot not be held legally liable for a person’s injuries.  For example, if you go to a sporting event,

Statue of lady liberty with scales of justice.

If you’re in a situation where you need to think about filing a personal injury lawsuit, one concept that’s going to be very important to your case is called a statute of limitations. This is true whether you were injured in a car accident, a slip and fall, in a case of medical malpractice, or

What is Premises Liability?

Tuesday, 03 January 2023 by
A gavel on a table next to some books.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, one concept that might apply to your case is premises liability. Premises liability is a legal concept that applies to certain types of accidents where the owner/tenant of a property was negligent in showing reasonable care and maintenance of their property. When property owners and tenants fail to

A doctor and a nurse look at a file.

In any type of personal injury case, medical records are a critical type of evidence. This is true whether a case involves medical malpractice, a work-related injury, injuries caused by a slip-and-fall, birth trauma, or a car accident. It’s not at all uncommon for a party accused of causing an injury to try and deny

Colorful leaves on the ground next to a tree.

Fall has officially arrived. The weather has cooled off, the kids are back in school, and football season is in full swing. And, of course, lots of leaves have been turning colors and fall off of trees. As beautiful as those leaves can be, there’s no denying that falling leaves can have some downsides. Raking

A lawyer sits behind a desk with papers and a Lady Justice statue on it.

Accidents of any kind can have a wide range of impacts on a person’s life. In many cases, there may not be any long-term effects at all. A person might be able to get right back up again after a slip and fall with nothing more than a minor bruise or scrape and some mild

Person Water Skiing on a lake.

There are lots of ways to have fun out on the water. For many people, it can be fun to simply spend the day staying on the boat or maybe swimming near the boat. But many others like to do a little water skiing or be pulled by a boat while riding in an innertube.

X-rays showing a brain.

When people are injured in car accidents, it doesn’t necessarily mean they get out of their car bleeding from cuts, with visible bruises, or with other types of obvious injuries like broken bones. Not only are many types of common car accident injuries invisible, they can take time to become evident. In the time immediately