Workplace Woes, Law Stories & Cases | Scott Goodwin Law

Cars driving at dusk with headlights on.

Even if a person spends more time out on the road for work than they do in a fixed space like a traditional office, that doesn’t necessarily mean that workplace safety isn’t a problem. Working away from an office can come with some unique safety factors that people might not encounter when working in a

A group of healthcare workers stand with folded arms.

Working in healthcare can be very difficult. Not only is the work itself very challenging, there’s also the fact that healthcare employees can face many safety hazards on the job. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, ten occupations accounted for 38.3% of all workplace injuries and illnesses among private industry employees in 2020

Work injury claim form on a desk.

Workplace accidents can have a devastating effect on a person and the situation can become even more difficult if an employer is trying to dispute the severity of your injuries. Perhaps they want to make it seem like your injuries aren’t as serious as you claim to be or that the effects of your injuries

Construction workers work on a roof.

Training can provide a wide range of benefits for a company, such as improved employee retention and improved performance and productivity. But one of the biggest benefits of training is that it can help create a safer work environment. Many types of workplaces have very serious safety hazards that employees need to be trained on.

A man wearing a hard hat and reflective vest takes notes while looking at a job site.

The simple fact of the matter is that most people need to work to earn a living. Unfortunately, many employers out there are willing to take advantage of the fact that people depend on their jobs to provide for themselves and their families. This can include pressuring people to work extra hours, being asked to

A woman cowers as a man yells at her.

When we talk about workplace injuries, we’re often talking about injuries caused by things like falls, exposure to unsafe conditions, and being struck by equipment. But there is another significant cause of injuries which deserves to be talked about as well: violence in the workplace. What is Occupational Violence? OSHA defines occupational violence as, “any

A smiling older worker holding a power tool.

There are many reasons why people might start working again after retirement or to delay their retirement. Sometimes, they need the extra money. But in other cases, people might decide to resume working for the social connection and personal fulfillment it provides or to assist a former employer. Regardless of why someone might resume or

Man wearing a hard hat holding a clipboard with a paper that says

There are lots of ways to earn a living by working jobs that only last for a limited amount of time. Sometimes, offices need to hire temporary employees to help out with a project or to fill in while someone is on leave. Or, very often, companies in certain industries hire temporary employees on a

Workers compensation form.

You don’t need us to tell you how stressful the holidays can be — especially if you work in certain types of industries. People who work in retail, shipping, logistics, warehouses, and travel or for the postal service know this all too well. But when times are stressful, it can become more likely for people

A teenager serves a customer in a fast food restaurant.

Teens play an important role in the workforce. Even though they’re only just starting to enter the working world, workers under the age of 24 represented about 12% of the entire American workforce in 2020. But while many people in this age range are only working on a part-time basis, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re