Michigan Personal Injury Law Blog | Scott Goodwin Law

Deployed airbags in a car dashboard.

Airbags have been a standard safety feature on new cars since the late 1990s and have been a common feature in cars for an even longer amount of time. According to the NHTSA, frontal airbags saved 50,457 lives between 1987 and 2017. However, for as long as airbags have been around, there have been concerns

Flames from an explosion seen against a blue sky.

In some situations, a material can become combustible when it exists in the form of very fine particles that are suspended in the air under certain conditions. This is known as combustible dust and it’s a very common safety hazard in a wide range of industries, including agriculture, furniture manufacturing, food processing, metalworking, textile manufacturing,

Backyard deck with sofa and picnic table.

During the spring and summer, spending time on your deck can be a wonderful way to enjoy the warmer weather. Whether you’re using your deck to visit with friends and neighbors or to simply relax with a book, people don’t generally think of their decks as an unsafe place to be. However, as is the

Sleeping baby.

It’s not at all uncommon for babies to be born on days that aren’t their anticipated due date. Sometimes, they’re born a bit earlier and other times, they’re born a little bit later. But in some cases, it can be advisable for labor to be induced if pregnancy extends into the 41st or 42nd week

Garbage truck on a street with trash cans next to the road.

There’s no doubt that garbage collection is an essential service in society. However, those who work in garbage collection can face a lot of safety hazards on the job. It’s a very difficult and demanding job. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, refuse and recyclable material collectors were among the top ten civilian

Car keys laying on an insurance claim form.

Michigan law requires all drivers to have auto insurance, but that doesn’t necessarily mean all drivers have insurance with the same levels of coverage. When people are in the process of choosing their auto insurance policy, not only can they choose from different levels of coverage for personal injury protection (PIP) and bodily injury and

Gavel on a table next to books.

Being injured in an accident of any kind can impact a person’s life in many different ways. Not only do they have their initial medical expenses to deal with, they might need long-term care and rehabilitation. They could also need to take time off from work during recovery, need to hire somebody to help them

Statue of the scales of justice.

Negligence is an important part of any personal injury case, whether it’s a car accident, medical malpractice, a dog bite, or a slip and fall. However, there are different types of negligence that could be involved in a case, like comparative negligence.  Comparative negligence is a concept where fault for an accident is divided between

A row of treadmills facing a window with a man running on one of them.

For millions of people, going to the gym, fitness center, or health club is part of their regular routine. But whether you hit the gym multiple times per week or only go every once in a while, you likely know that there can be a lot of ways to get hurt while working out, especially

Low angle view looking up at scaffolding on a building.

For those who work in construction, building maintenance, or home improvement, scaffolding can be something they commonly need to use. Scaffolding is supposed to provide support for workers who need to work at a height so that they can do their jobs safely. However, if that scaffolding isn’t properly used or constructed, it can be